

Month: November 2023

How Disc Granulators Make Organic Waste into Granules?

Disc granulator plays a crucial role in the process of transforming organic waste into granules. The granulation process involves several steps that leverage the design and functionality of this granulation machine. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how disc granulator makes organic waste into granules.

1. Feedstock Preparation

The process begins with the preparation of organic waste feedstock. This can include a variety of materials such as kitchen waste, crop residues, and green waste. It’s important to ensure that the feedstock is properly sorted and any non-organic contaminants are removed. You may need organic fertilizer crusher, dewatering machine or compost fermentation equipment.

Dewatering Machines

Dewatering Machines

2. Feeding the Materials

The prepared organic waste is then fed into the pan granulator. The feeding mechanism may vary depending on the specific design of the granulator, but typically, a conveyor belt or a feeding system from our company is used to introduce the organic waste onto the rotating disc.

The Feeding Methods

The Feeding Methods

3. Rotating Discs Action

The heart of the disc granulator is the rotating disc or discs. These discs are set at an angle and are connected to a central shaft. As the discs rotate, they create a tumbling motion for the organic waste materials.

4. Spraying Liquid Binder (Optional)

In some cases, a liquid binder may be sprayed onto the organic material during the granulation process. This binder can be a solution containing water or other substances that help in agglomerating the organic powder into granules.

5. Granulation and Agglomeration

The rotating motion of the discs causes the organic waste materials to agglomerate and stick together. This agglomeration process is essential for forming granules. The rotating discs create a dynamic environment where the particles collide and adhere, forming spherical or cylindrical granules.

Here are the details of pelletizing disc!

disc pelletizer

disc pelletizer

6. Adjustable Disc Angles

Disc granulators often feature adjustable disc angles. This allows operators to control the size and density of the granules produced. By altering the angle of the discs, the residence time of the material on the discs can be adjusted, impacting the final characteristics of the granules.

7. Particle Size Control

The speed of the rotating discs and the size of the screen or grate beneath the discs contribute to controlling the particle size of the granules. Smaller particles pass through the screen, while larger ones are retained and continue to grow through additional collisions.

8. Collection and Screening

As the organic waste is transformed into granules, they are collected and screened to separate any undersized or oversized particles. This screening step ensures that the final product meets the desired specifications. You may need SX rotary screening machine to help you finish the granulation process.

Rotary Screening Machine

Rotary Screening Machine

9. Drying (Optional)

Depending on the moisture content of the organic waste and the desired characteristics of the final granules, a drying step may be employed to reduce moisture levels. This can be crucial for the storage and application of the organic fertilizer. You can select drum dryer to reduce this pellets’ moisture.

10. Packaging and Storage

The final step involves packaging the granulated organic fertilizer for distribution or storage. Proper packaging ensures the longevity and quality of the organic fertilizer product. You are available to choose different kinds of automatic bagging machines according to your production needs.

In summary, disc granulators make organic waste into granules by leveraging the mechanical action of rotating discs, creating a dynamic environment for agglomeration. This controlled process results in the formation of uniform and high-quality organic fertilizer granules ready for use in sustainable agriculture practices. Visit this page: for more information.

What is the process of making npk fertilizer

Nutrient deficiencies in soil can severely impact plant growth and crop yields. To address this issue, farmers turn to fertilizers, and one of the most widely used types is NPK fertilizer. NPK stands for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium – three essential elements crucial for plant development. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the intricate process of making NPK compound fertilizer, highlighting the steps involved and the significance of each nutrient in fostering robust plant growth.

Raw Materials: The Foundation of NPK Fertilizer

The production of NPK fertilizer begins with the careful selection of raw materials, each chosen for its nutrient content. Nitrogen, a key component for promoting leafy and vegetative growth, is often sourced from ammonium nitrate or urea. Phosphorus, essential for root development and flowering, is derived from phosphate rock. Potassium, vital for overall plant health and stress resistance, is obtained from potash ore. These raw materials lay the foundation for a balanced fertilizer that addresses the diverse nutritional needs of plants.

Blending: Achieving the Perfect Formula

Once the raw materials are procured, the next step involves blending them in precise proportions to create a balanced NPK fertilizer. The formulation of the fertilizer is a crucial aspect of the manufacturing process, as it determines the nutrient content in the final product. Specialized equipment is used to achieve uniform blending, ensuring that each granule of the fertilizer contains the optimal ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Granulation: Shaping the Future Growth

Granulation is a critical step in the NPK fertilizer production process, where the blended materials are transformed into granules. This not only facilitates easier handling and application but also provides a controlled release of nutrients into the soil. Granulation is typically achieved through the use of granulation drums or compactors, which shape the blended materials into uniform particles. The size of the granules is carefully controlled to meet the specific requirements of different crops and soil types.

Drying: Preserving Nutrient Integrity

After granulation, the newly formed fertilizer granules undergo a drying process. This step is essential to remove excess moisture and preserve the integrity of the nutrients. Efficient drying prevents the granules from clumping and ensures a free-flowing, easy-to-handle final product. Temperature and humidity control are critical during this phase to prevent nutrient loss and maintain the efficacy of the fertilizer.

Quality Control: Ensuring Product Excellence

Quality control is a continuous aspect of the NPK fertilizer production process. Rigorous testing is conducted to verify the nutrient content, granule size, and overall quality of the final product. These tests are essential to meet regulatory standards and ensure that farmers receive a reliable and consistent fertilizer that meets the nutritional needs of their crops.

Packaging and Distribution: Ready for the Fields

The final stage in the NPK fertilizer production process involves packaging and distribution. The packaged fertilizer is ready to be transported to agricultural retailers or directly to farmers. Proper packaging is crucial to protect the fertilizer from external elements and maintain its quality until it reaches the end user. Whether in bags, bulk, or other forms, NPK fertilizer is carefully labeled to provide farmers with the necessary information for optimal application.

Conclusion: Nourishing Plants, Harvesting Success

In conclusion, the process of making NPK fertilizer is a meticulous journey from raw materials to the field. This carefully orchestrated process ensures that crops receive the essential nutrients they need for healthy growth and maximum yields. NPK fertilizer stands as a testament to the marriage of science and agriculture, contributing to global food security by providing a reliable means to address nutrient deficiencies in soil and promote sustainable farming practices. And SX can also provide you with a compound fertilizer plant.

Why Is Necessary to Use Drum Dryer or Cooler After Granulation?

In the realm of fertilizer production, two essential machines play pivotal roles: dryers and coolers. These machines are fundamental in both organic fertilizer manufacturing processes and compound fertilizer production lines, and their functions are integral to the entire operation.

Drum Cooler — Temperature Control for Quality

Drum cooler is a machine designed to lower the temperature of granular fertilizers. Its significance reverberates through the entire organic fertilizer production process and NPK fertilizer production line. With the help of this machine, dried fertilizer granules are maintained in an optimal state, facilitating their transport, storage, packaging, and sale. For example, if compound fertilizer production line runs without this cooling machine, the granules would absorb moisture and clump together.

Fertilizer Cooling Machine

Fertilizer Cooling Machine

Drum Dryer — Precision Drying for Optimal Results

Now, let’s shift our focus to the fertilizer rotary drum dryer, which is a machine proficient in drying granular fertilizers and even fresh animal manure such as cow dung, chicken droppings, horse manure, and poultry droppings. This machine uses aeration drying technology to reduce the moisture content of the materials effectively. Our company offers drum dryers with advanced designs, ensuring your drying process is not just efficient but also incredibly convenient. We go the extra mile by providing professional advice according to your specific needs, with machines available at competitive prices.

Drum Drying Machine

Drum Drying Machine

What Technology Does The Drum Dryer Apply?

Drying techniques in fertilizer dryers are a critical aspect of the entire process. The fertilizer dryer is the linchpin of fertilizer production lines, ensuring the perfect drying of organic or compound granular fertilizers. Using aeration drying technology, our rotary drum dryers employ hot air furnace to dry the materials within the drum. The rotating drum enhances the drying effect, ensuring uniform drying of the materials. When using drum dryers, a variety of fuels such as oil, natural gas, biomass, and coal can supply the hot air. Precise control of the drying temperature is paramount, as different materials have varying temperature requirements due to their unique characteristics.

Drying Machine on The Market

Drying Machine on The Market

After granulation, the granules are in a high-temperature and high-moisture state due to the wet granulation technique used for organic fertilizers. At this juncture, a fertilizer dryer steps in, reducing their moisture content significantly.

It is usually equipped with drum cooler. This is because the organic fertilizer granules, after drying, are laden with liquid droplets on their surface. Moreover, these granules are at a high temperature. The cooler not only reduces the granule temperature but also cools these liquid droplets.

Understanding the intricate dance between dryers, coolers, and the organic fertilizer production process is vital. You can click this link: for more details!

Как работает ротационная сушилка? Как это работает?

Ротационная сушилка – это устройство, используемое для сушки различных материалов, таких как пищевые продукты, химические вещества, древесина, минеральные породы и другие. Принцип действия ротационной сушилки основан на механическом и термическом воздействии на сушимый материал. Вот основные этапы работы ротационной сушилки:

1. Подача материала: Начальный этап включает подачу сырого или влажного материала в сушильный барабан. Этот барабан имеет форму цилиндра и оборудован внутренними лопастями или ребрами для перемешивания материала.

2. Вращение барабана: Барабан начинает вращаться, что создает механическое перемешивание и перемещение материала внутри. Это помогает равномерно распределять тепло и ускоряет процесс сушки.

Внутри роторной сушилки

Внутри роторной сушилки

3. Нагрев: Внутри сушильного барабана устанавливаются нагревательные элементы или подаются нагретые газы (горячий воздух или пар), которые нагревают материал. Тепло проникает внутрь материала и испаряет влагу.

4. Извлечение влаги: Влага, испаряющаяся из материала, конденсируется и удаляется из сушильной камеры. Это может быть осуществлено с помощью вентиляторов, конденсаторов или других устройств для сбора водяного пара.

5. Охлаждение: После сушки материала может потребоваться охлаждение перед его извлечением из сушильного барабана. Это помогает предотвратить повреждение материала от излишнего нагрева.

6. Извлечение сухого продукта: Сухой продукт извлекается из сушильной камеры после завершения процесса сушки. Это может быть автоматизированным или ручным процессом, в зависимости от конструкции сушильной установки.

Ротационные сушилки широко используются в промышленности для обработки и сушки различных материалов, и они предоставляют эффективный способ уменьшения влажности в продуктах. Чтобы узнать больше о ротационных сушилках, посетите:

How To Turn Cow Manure Into Organic Fertilizer Quickly

Turning cow manure into organic fertilizer quickly can be done through a process called composting. Composting is a harmless process of cow dung and it will take a long time. To speed up the composting process for cow manure, follow these steps:

  • Gather materials: Collect fresh or well-aged cow manure
  • Shred or chop materials: If your cow manure and carbon-rich materials are in large pieces, consider shredding or chopping them into smaller bits. This will help accelerate the decomposition of cow dung materials because of larger oxygen contact area.
  • Layer materials: Create layers of cow manure and carbon-rich materials in your compost pile or bin. Aim for a ratio of approximately 2:1 or 3:1 carbon to nitrogen materials. This balance helps provide the right environment for microbial activity.
  • Maintain moisture: Keep the compost pile consistently moist, similar to a wrung-out sponge. Cow manure is usually high in moisture. Here, you can separate excessive water from cattle waste by dewatering machine.
  • Turn the pile: Regularly turn the compost pile to aerate it and mix the materials. Turning is beneficial for oxygen transport and excessive heat dissiate. So the compost pile temperature is between 130°F and 160°F (54°C and 71°C). This higher temperature will kill weed seeds and pathogens, and accelerate the decomposition process. A suitable cow dung compost machine can help you turn cow manure compost piles easily. Then you can make cow manure into fertilizer more smoothly. Click here to learn more.
  • Add organic activators: You can introduce compost activators like compost starter or finished compost from a previous batch to introduce beneficial microorganisms and speed up the process.

In addition, you also can turn cow manure into pellet fertilizer in a shorter time.

Cow manure fertilizer pellets production

Cow manure fertilizer pellets production

  • Binder: You may need a natural binder, such as water, molasses, or a small amount of clay, to help the pellets hold their shape.
  • Granulation machine: A cow manure fertilizer pellet mill machine is essential for forming the pellets. Using it, you can turn powder cow manure compost into organic fertilizer pellets in several mins.
  • Drying Equipment: A drying machine or sunlight for drying the pellets.

The speed of pelletization depends on the capacity of your pellet mill and the moisture content of the mixture. This process allows you to create uniform, convenient, and easy-to-handle organic fertilizer pellets quickly from cow manure.

By the above these steps, you can turn cow manure into organic fertilizer relatively quickly and you can make high quality organic fertilizer pellet with cow dung materials. If you want to get more details, you can visit

What equipment can produce organic fertilizer

Organic fertilizer is a vital component in sustainable agriculture and gardening. It enriches the soil with essential nutrients, promotes beneficial microbial activity, and improves overall soil health. To produce high-quality organic fertilizer, you need specific equipment and processes. In this article, we’ll explore the various types of equipment used in the production of organic fertilizer, from the initial stages of raw material preparation to the final product packaging.

Raw Material Preparation

The first step in organic fertilizer production is the collection and preparation of raw materials. Organic materials, such as animal manure, crop residues, food waste, and green waste, serve as the foundation for organic fertilizers. Proper preparation ensures the raw materials are suitable for the production process.

1. Compost Turner

A compost turner is an essential piece of equipment for converting raw materials into compost. This machine aerates and mixes the materials, creating the ideal environment for the decomposition process. It helps break down organic matter and accelerates the formation of valuable compost. For this, groove type compost turner and windrow composter are the best choices for you.

2. Crushing Machine

In some cases, raw materials need to be crushed or shredded to facilitate the decomposition process. Crushing machines, like hammer mills or crushers, are used to reduce the size of materials, making them easier to compost.

Fermentation and Decomposition

Once the raw materials are prepared, they undergo a fermentation and decomposition process, which is crucial for breaking down organic matter into nutrient-rich compost.

3. Fermentation Tank

Fermentation tanks are used to contain the prepared organic materials and control the environment for microbial activity. Temperature, moisture, and aeration levels are closely monitored to ensure efficient decomposition.

Composting Process

During the composting process, various equipment is employed to optimize conditions for the growth of beneficial microorganisms and the breakdown of organic matter.

4. Compost Windrow Turner

A compost windrow turner is used to regularly flip and mix the compost piles. This promotes uniform decomposition and helps in achieving consistent compost quality.

Drying and Cooling

After fermentation and decomposition, the organic material is usually too moist to be used as fertilizer. It needs to be dried and cooled to the appropriate moisture content.

5. Rotary Drum Dryer*

A rotary drum dryer is used to remove excess moisture from the compost. It is a large, rotating cylinder that uses heat to evaporate water, resulting in dry, granular organic fertilizer.


Granulation is the process of shaping the dried organic material into uniform, easy-to-handle pellets or granules.

6. Fertilizer Granulator*

A fertilizer granulator machine is employed to form the compost into granules of a specific size. These granules are not only easier to handle but also release nutrients at a controlled rate, enhancing their effectiveness as a fertilizer. So, pan granulation machine and drum granulation machine can both produce organic fertilizer granules.

Screening and Packaging

The final steps in organic fertilizer production involve screening to remove any oversized or undersized granules and packaging the finished product for distribution.

7. Fertilizer Screener*

A fertilizer screener or sifter is used to separate the properly sized granules from any fines or larger particles. This ensures the uniformity of the final product.

8. Packaging Equipment*

Various packaging equipment, such as bagging machines, can be used to package the organic fertilizer into bags or containers suitable for distribution and sale.


Organic fertilizer production is a multi-step process that requires specialized equipment to turn raw organic materials into valuable, nutrient-rich products. Proper equipment selection and maintenance are essential for producing high-quality organic fertilizers that can improve soil health and promote sustainable agriculture. With the right tools, organic fertilizer production can contribute to environmentally friendly and efficient farming practices.