

Category Archive : cow dung manure dewatering

How To Turn Cow Manure Into Organic Fertilizer Quickly

Turning cow manure into organic fertilizer quickly can be done through a process called composting. Composting is a harmless process of cow dung and it will take a long time. To speed up the composting process for cow manure, follow these steps:

  • Gather materials: Collect fresh or well-aged cow manure
  • Shred or chop materials: If your cow manure and carbon-rich materials are in large pieces, consider shredding or chopping them into smaller bits. This will help accelerate the decomposition of cow dung materials because of larger oxygen contact area.
  • Layer materials: Create layers of cow manure and carbon-rich materials in your compost pile or bin. Aim for a ratio of approximately 2:1 or 3:1 carbon to nitrogen materials. This balance helps provide the right environment for microbial activity.
  • Maintain moisture: Keep the compost pile consistently moist, similar to a wrung-out sponge. Cow manure is usually high in moisture. Here, you can separate excessive water from cattle waste by dewatering machine.
  • Turn the pile: Regularly turn the compost pile to aerate it and mix the materials. Turning is beneficial for oxygen transport and excessive heat dissiate. So the compost pile temperature is between 130°F and 160°F (54°C and 71°C). This higher temperature will kill weed seeds and pathogens, and accelerate the decomposition process. A suitable cow dung compost machine can help you turn cow manure compost piles easily. Then you can make cow manure into fertilizer more smoothly. Click here to learn more.
  • Add organic activators: You can introduce compost activators like compost starter or finished compost from a previous batch to introduce beneficial microorganisms and speed up the process.

In addition, you also can turn cow manure into pellet fertilizer in a shorter time.

Cow manure fertilizer pellets production

Cow manure fertilizer pellets production

  • Binder: You may need a natural binder, such as water, molasses, or a small amount of clay, to help the pellets hold their shape.
  • Granulation machine: A cow manure fertilizer pellet mill machine is essential for forming the pellets. Using it, you can turn powder cow manure compost into organic fertilizer pellets in several mins.
  • Drying Equipment: A drying machine or sunlight for drying the pellets.

The speed of pelletization depends on the capacity of your pellet mill and the moisture content of the mixture. This process allows you to create uniform, convenient, and easy-to-handle organic fertilizer pellets quickly from cow manure.

By the above these steps, you can turn cow manure into organic fertilizer relatively quickly and you can make high quality organic fertilizer pellet with cow dung materials. If you want to get more details, you can visit

¿Cómo hacer gránulos de abono orgánico a partir de estiércol de cerdo?

El abono orgánico es una alternativa sostenible y respetuosa con el medio ambiente para mejorar la fertilidad del suelo y promover el crecimiento de las plantas. En este artículo, vamos a hablar sobre la línea de abonos orgánicos de estiércol de cerdo y cómo utilizarla de manera efectiva.

estiércol de cerdo para compostaje

estiércol de cerdo para compostaje

El primer paso en la producción de abono orgánico es el compostaje. En este proceso, se mezclan materiales orgánicos como estiércol y orina con paja triturada y se someten a fermentación natural o aeróbica utilizando microorganismos. El estiércol de cerdo, debido a su alto contenido de humedad, necesita deshidratarse antes de la fermentación. Para este fin, se puede utilizar un equipo separador sólido-líquido de pantalla, que puede deshidratar el estiércol de cerdo de manera eficiente y satisfacer los requisitos de humedad para el compostaje.

equipo separador sólido-líquido de pantalla

equipo separador sólido-líquido de pantalla

Una vez deshidratado, el siguiente paso es la fermentación de los materiales orgánicos. La remoción periódica de los materiales promueve el proceso de fermentación y mejora la ventilación y el suministro de oxígeno, estimulando el crecimiento de microorganismos beneficiosos. Para voltear los materiales de manera eficiente, se recomienda utilizar una volteadora de cadena. Este equipo permite voltear el material en profundidad, acelerando el tiempo de fermentación y mejorando la calidad del fertilizante orgánico.

volteadora de cadena

volteadora de cadena

Después de la fermentación, es necesario triturar los materiales antes de la granulación. La trituradora vertical es una excelente opción por estiercol de cerdo, ya que tiene una gran adaptabilidad a materiales con alta humedad y una alta eficiencia de trituración. Una vez triturados, los materiales pueden ser granulados utilizando una máquina de disco de granulación. Este equipo utiliza la fuerza centrífuga y la gravedad para formar partículas de fertilizante circulares en cuestión de minutos.

La trituradora vertical

La trituradora vertical

Una vez granuladas, las partículas de abono orgánico deben secarse y enfriarse. Para este fin, se recomienda utilizar una máquina de secado y una máquina de enfriamiento de tambor rotatorio, que ofrecen una gran capacidad de secado y enfriamiento, un funcionamiento estable y un bajo consumo de energía.

Una vez secas, las partículas de abono orgánico pueden ser tamizadas para obtener partículas uniformes y consistentes. Para este fin, se puede utilizar un tamizador de alta eficiencia, que tiene una capacidad de tamizado de hasta 20t/h.

Finalmente, el abono orgánico producido puede ser empaquetado automáticamente utilizando una máquina de empaque. Esto facilita su venta o transporte.

En resumen, la línea de abonos orgánicos de estiércol de cerdo es una forma efectiva de producir fertilizante orgánico de alta calidad. Al seguir los pasos de compostaje, trituración, granulación, secado, enfriamiento, tamizado y empaque, se puede obtener abono orgánico listo para su uso o venta. Este proceso es respetuoso con el medio ambiente y contribuye a la mejora de la fertilidad del suelo. ¡Anímate a probarlo y verás los beneficios en tus cultivos!

How to do large scale granulation?

Granulation is the process of forming particles by agglomerating smaller particles, often used in the production of pharmaceuticals, food products, and fertilizers. Large scale granulation refers to the production of granulated materials in large quantities, typically using specialized equipment and techniques. In this essay, we will discuss the steps and considerations involved in large scale granulation.

rotary drum granulator

rotary drum granulator

Step 1: Material Selection and Preparation The first step in large scale granulation is selecting the appropriate raw materials. The quality and consistency of these materials are critical to the success of the granulation process. Raw materials may be powders, crystals, or other forms, depending on the desired end product.

Once the raw materials are selected, they must be prepared for granulation. This may involve pre-blending, milling, or other processing steps to ensure that the materials are the correct particle size and have the necessary properties for granulation.

Step 2: Mixing The next step is to mix the raw materials together to create a homogeneous blend. This step may be accomplished through a variety of methods, such as tumbling mixers or high-shear mixers. The goal is to ensure that each particle is coated with the necessary binders and excipients, and that the resulting blend has the desired characteristics for granulation.

Step 3: Granulation Once the raw materials are blended, it is time to granulate them. There are several different methods of granulation, including wet granulation, dry granulation, and melt granulation. Wet granulation is the most commonly used method, as it allows for the production of dense, uniform granules.

In wet granulation, the blended materials are mixed with a liquid binder to form a wet mass. The wet mass is then processed through a granulator, where it is broken down into smaller particles and screened to create uniform granules. The granules may then be dried to remove any residual moisture.

Step 4: Drying Drying is a critical step in the granulation process, as it ensures that the granules are stable and free from moisture. Depending on the method of granulation used, drying may be accomplished through air drying, fluidized bed drying, or other methods. The goal is to remove the appropriate amount of moisture without damaging the granules.

Step 5: Sizing and Screening Once the granules are dry, they may need to be sized and screened to ensure that they meet the necessary specifications for the end product. This step may involve passing the granules through a series of screens to remove any oversized or undersized particles, or using specialized equipment to achieve the desired particle size distribution.

Step 6: Finishing and Packaging The final step in large scale granulation is finishing and packaging the granules for shipment. This may involve additional processing steps, such as coating or polishing, to ensure that the granules have the necessary appearance and characteristics for the end product. The granules may then be packaged in appropriate containers, such as bags, drums, or totes, and labeled for shipment.

rotary drum granulator

rotary drum granulator

Considerations for Large Scale Granulation

Large scale granulation presents several unique challenges and considerations that must be taken into account to ensure a successful process. These considerations include:

Equipment: Large scale granulation requires specialized equipment that is designed to handle large volumes of materials. This equipment must be properly maintained and calibrated to ensure consistent performance. The most common large scale granulation equipment is rotary drum granulator.

Process Validation: Large scale granulation processes must be validated to ensure that they meet the necessary quality standards. This may involve conducting process tests, such as granule density or particle size distribution, to ensure that the process is consistent and reproducible.

Quality Control: Quality control is critical to the success of large scale granulation. Regular testing and monitoring of the granules must be conducted to ensure that they meet the necessary specifications for.

You can check our website for more about the working principle of our rotary drum machine!

High Output Rotary Drum Granulator for Sale

how to dispose of horse manure

Horses are majestic and elegant animals, but like all animals, they produce waste in the form of manure. Horse manure is a valuable fertilizer that is rich in nutrients and organic matter, but it can also be a nuisance if not disposed of properly. In this article, we will discuss the different ways of disposing of horse manure.

wheel type composting machine working site

wheel type composting machine working site


Composting is the most common and environmentally friendly way of disposing of horse manure. Composting involves breaking down the manure and bedding materials into a rich organic fertilizer. The process of composting involves piling up the manure and adding water, oxygen, and other organic materials such as leaves and grass clippings. The microorganisms in the manure and other organic materials break down the organic matter into a rich, dark compost that can be used to improve soil fertility and structure.

To compost horse manure, you need to have a designated area on your property that is away from water sources and has good drainage. You will also need a compost bin or a pile that is at least three feet high and three feet wide. It is important to turn the pile regularly to ensure that the manure and other materials are evenly distributed and to promote aeration. The composting process can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months depending on the temperature and humidity.

Manure Crawler Processing Machine in SX Waste Treatment Plant

Manure Crawler Processing Machine in SX Waste Treatment Plant

Spreading on fields

Horse manure can also be spread directly on fields as a natural fertilizer. This method is more commonly used in rural areas where there is plenty of open land. Before spreading the manure on fields, it is important to test the soil to determine its nutrient content and pH level. This will help you determine how much manure you need to spread to improve the soil fertility.

If you plan to spread horse manure on fields, it is important to follow the guidelines set by your local agriculture department. Generally, you should not spread manure on fields that are near water sources or on steep slopes where erosion may occur. You should also avoid spreading manure on fields that are near residential areas due to the odor.


Burning horse manure is not recommended as it can release harmful gases and contribute to air pollution. Additionally, burning manure can be dangerous and can lead to accidental fires. If you have a large amount of manure to dispose of, it is better to compost it or spread it on fields.


Horse manure can be disposed of in landfills, but this method is not environmentally friendly. Landfills are designed to store waste, not to decompose it. When organic matter is placed in a landfill, it breaks down anaerobically, which produces methane gas. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. Therefore, it is best to avoid disposing of horse manure in landfills.

In conclusion, horse manure is a valuable resource that can be used to improve soil fertility and structure. Composting and spreading on fields are the most environmentally friendly ways of disposing of horse manure. If you have a large amount of manure to dispose of, it is important to follow the guidelines set by your local agriculture department to ensure that you are not causing harm to the environment. By properly disposing of horse manure, you can help reduce waste and improve soil health.

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manure dryer machine

Manure dryer machines are an essential tool for farmers and agricultural businesses. They help to process and manage the waste from livestock and poultry, which can be a major source of pollution and environmental degradation. Manure dryer machines work by reducing the moisture content of manure, making it easier to handle and store. This article will explore the benefits of manure dryer machines, how they work, and some considerations to keep in mind when purchasing one.

poultry manure dryer

poultry manure dryer

Benefits of Manure Dryer Machines

Manure dryer machines offer several benefits to farmers and agricultural businesses. First and foremost, they help to reduce the environmental impact of livestock and poultry operations. Manure is a significant source of pollution, particularly when it is not properly managed. By reducing the moisture content of manure, dryer machines make it easier to store and handle, reducing the risk of runoff and other forms of pollution.

Additionally, manure dryer machines can help to increase the profitability of farming operations. Dried manure can be sold as a valuable fertilizer or soil amendment, providing an additional source of revenue for farmers. It can also be used as a fuel source, further reducing the costs of operating the machine.

How Manure Dryer Machines Work

Manure dryer machines work by heating and drying the manure to reduce its moisture content. There are several different types of manure dryer machines available, including rotary drum dryers, fluidized bed dryers, and belt dryers.

Rotary drum dryers are the most common type of manure dryer machine. They consist of a large, cylindrical drum that rotates on a horizontal axis. Manure is fed into one end of the drum, and as it rotates, hot air is blown through the drum, drying the manure as it tumbles.

Fluidized bed dryers work by suspending the manure in a stream of hot air. The air flow is adjusted to maintain a fluidized state, where the manure particles are suspended in the air flow. This allows for more efficient drying, as the entire surface area of the manure is exposed to the hot air.

Belt dryers use a conveyor belt to move the manure through a series of heated chambers. As the manure moves through the chambers, it is exposed to hot air, reducing its moisture content.

Cow dung fertilizer production line process

Cow dung fertilizer production line process

Considerations When Purchasing a Manure Dryer Machine

When purchasing a manure dryer machine, there are several considerations to keep in mind. First, it is important to choose a machine that is appropriately sized for your needs. The size of the machine will depend on the amount of manure you need to process, as well as the space available for the machine.

Second, it is important to consider the energy efficiency of the machine. A more energy-efficient machine will be less expensive to operate over the long term, reducing your overall operating costs.

Finally, it is important to choose a machine that is easy to maintain and repair. Manure dryer machines are complex pieces of equipment that require regular maintenance to keep them functioning properly. Choosing a machine that is easy to maintain and repair will reduce downtime and ensure that the machine is operating at peak efficiency.


Manure dryer machines are an essential tool for farmers and agricultural businesses. They offer several benefits, including reducing the environmental impact of livestock and poultry operations and increasing profitability. When purchasing a manure dryer machine, it is important to consider factors such as size, energy efficiency, and ease of maintenance and repair. With the right machine, farmers can efficiently process their manure and turn it into a valuable resource for their operation.

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Poultry Manure Drying Machine


How important is it for you to dewater fresh cow dung for making it available?

In order to solve the issues caused by an excessive amount of fresh cow dung, it is a viable option to compost the dung and turns it into organic fertilizer.

Cow dung is a product that is derived from the waste produced by cows. This waste has the potential to provide organic materials that are highly rich in a number of different nutrients which include potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. More importantly, cow manure contains ammonia in high levels which is capable of stopping the pathogens from spreading and growing. Thus, making cow dung manure into fertilizers is good for not only recycling waste, but also your crops.

Tongda cow dung screw press dewatering system

Tongda cow dung screw press dewatering system

Once composting fresh cow manure with a fertilizer machine, it is able to provide attractive benefits to both organic farms and gardens. The processing method to turn cow manure into an organic fertilizer involves a few important steps:

• Collect The Cow Dung And Dewater The Waste

Fresh cow manure contains high concentrations of water, so the first step will involve using a dewatering machine in order to achieve a water content that is below 85%. It is also important to remove the excess moisture to prevent bacteria and pathogens from spreading.

Cow dung dewatering machine

Cow dung dewatering machine

• Combine The Dry Cow Dung With Organic Waste

Cow manure is a heavy material that needs to be combined with other organic substances such as dead leaves, garden debris, vegetable waste, wood, sawdust, straw, and hay, etc,

• Composting And Fermentation

Once the organic mixture is combined well, the waste is placed into fermentation grooves to allow the waste to ferment.

Windrow composting machine working for dewatered cow dung processing

Windrow composting machine working for dewatered cow dung processing

About Cow Dung Dewatering

A dewatering machine is an important part of the process to turn cow dung into usable fertilizer. The dewatering machines usually include a Screw-Press machine which separates the fresh dung into a solid and a liquid. Once the separation process is complete, the content of water left in the cow dung is around 30%.

How Does A Cow Dung Dewatering Machine Work?

The Screw Press Cow Dung Dewatering machine is made up of an engine, reducer, screw device, pipeline, and hydraulic pump. This machine dewaters the raw materials using a screw press.

The hydraulic-pump featured in this machine serves the purpose of transporting the raw cow manure into the dewatering machine. From here the screw-shaft will press the liquids out of the dung. This process creates pressure whereby the liquids are forced out through a screen into an outlet. After these processes, the moisture content in the dung is around 30 to 40%.

Even though cow dung is regarded as one of the best organic fertilizers, the fresh dung has high levels of ammonia, a strong odor and often contains an excess amount of salt. The fresh dung also carries pathogens and bacterias. The process of dewatering the cow manure is important along with the correct fermentation and composting techniques. Once the cow dung has been composted it is easy to process the end product into granules or powder.

Once converted into fertilizer the cow manure supports the growth of important microorganisms once mixed into the soil. It also helps to improve soil texture along with assisting the soil with maintaining water.