

Tag Archive : Bio Fertilizer Production

5 Hot Designs For A New Granular And Powder Fertilizer Production Line

Granular and powder fertilizer production lines are among the most popular for producing pellets that can be used for farming. These machines are equipped for producing thousands of pellets every hour. It depends on their size, the manufacturer, and what each machine is intended to do. Both of these processes are completely different in the way they are manufacturing fertilizer for farming operations. However, you can combine both a compost fertilizer that can produce granular and powder organic fertilizers using the following information.


1. Customizable Powder And Granular Fertilizer Production Lines

First of all, these are not similar to chemically based organic fertilizer fee-based systems. They use organic materials that are easy to work with, whether they are granular in form or in powder form. In fact, solid fertilizer can either be powdered or granulated. It just depends on how the initial components are produced. If you are composting, this process involves crushing all of the materials into smaller components, and using water if you are creating wet-based granular materials. Other systems involve crushing the compost into disintegrating clumps or sieving the content in some way. The packaging process will be very similar, regardless of the final format of the fertilizer that you are producing.


The design of fertilizer powder prodcution line and the design of fertilizer granules production line

Powder fertilizer production line design (Pisc 1) and granular fertilizer production line design (Pic 2)


2. Parameters To Consider With These Production Lines

There are several systems that can be used to produced compost fertilizer and form a production line. They must work together to produce the final product. For example, you can use a hydraulic compost turn that will help convert the compost into fertilizer. This will then be sent to the wet or dry crushing machine. A rotary screen will sift through that material, and once combined, an automatic packaging machine will do the rest.

If you have no ideal about the dsign of different types of fertilizer production line, the following page has an introduction about it.


How to Build an Ideal Fertilizer Production Line?

Consider the parameters such as the size, production capacity, and the amount of power that each system is going to use. Also take note of the mixing and granulation system, along with the drying and cooling system, before you make your final decision. Whether this is for a new granular or powder fertilizer production line, it will be as efficient as possible.


3. Five Designs For Granular And Powder Fertilizer Production Lines

The first design will involve using a belt conveyor that will take everything to a granulator machine. The second will involve using a bucket elevator, combined with the granulator, for larger more extensive projects. The third will use a fertilizer crusher, mixer, and a disc fertilizer granulator. This will lead to dryer and screening machines. The fourth design will involve using a dryer with a dual conveyor belt system, with a standard pan granulator, with rotary dryers that can increase production levels. Finally, a compound fertilizer production line might be exactly what you need. This can be utilized for both powder and granular products. This will include a belt conveyor, bucket elevator, and a disc granulator system that will deliver the materials to drying, cooling, and rotary exchange machines that will complete the process.


Whether you decide to produce organic powdered fertilizer in its dry form, or granular fertilizer instead, you need a SX fertilizer production line that is highly efficient. It is important to have every component combined together to produce the best possible results. In some ways, each of these apparatuses is identical because of the final product and how it is used. It just depends on whether a fine powder, or granules, will be best suited for the type of farming operation that you are managing.

How To Select The Very Best Bio Pellet Machine?

Also referred to as a flat die pellet mill, these are capable of creating pellets out of biodegradable material. This could be anything from rice husks to peanut shells. You can also use woodchips, wood shavings, and sawdust. If you have access to these materials, you can produce a nearly endless supply of burnable fuel. These are simply waste products that would otherwise degrade. However, you need to find a bio pellet machine that is large enough to convert everything that you have. This is how you can locate the very best bio pellet machine on the market today.

How Do Bio Pellet Machines Produce Pellets?

First of all, the biomass needs to be properly prepared. This is typically through the process of crushing it into a specific size. It is best to work with powder revised forms of this material. You can then add materials that will hold the biomass together. Water content is greatly reduced so it will burn. They are forced through holes that are of a specific diameter. Once they are produced, they will then solidified. These can be placed in bags, or other containers, for storage. It will be easy to market them to businesses and individuals that use pellet burning stoves.

Bio Organic Fertilizer Granulator

Stirring tooth granulating machine produces bio organic granules with 20-25N.

How Many Of These Can They Make?

These can typically make millions of pellets every single year. Your limitations are only based upon the machine and your supply of materials. If you have access to sugarcane remnants, coconut shells, or even wheat straw pellets, these can all produce excellent fuel. You may only need to make a few thousand of them every day. However, larger machines can do far more. The machine that you purchase should be reliable, originating from a well-known source.

Why Are These Beneficial For The Environment?

All of these pellets made by bio pelleting equipment are going to burn cleanly. This is going to minimize the greenhouse warming gases that are often produced when burning this type of fuel. They use a renewable source of energy. Biofuel pellets are also extremely easy to store. These are clean and highly effective pellets, made from all types of biodegradable waste. As you produce more of them, you may soon have many other companies contacting you for the pellets that you are making. Most importantly, it’s an economical way of producing this type of fuel. It is environmentally friendly, which is appealing to many different companies and individuals that will buy them from you.

If you would like to invest in a bio making granules machine, you can find businesses that sell them every day. Many of these companies are always looking for new customers that can benefit from their products. If you can find a company that produces them for less, you can save a substantial amount of money. If you have a large amount of forestry residue, or if you harvest crops annually, this would be a proper choice for your business. To find out more about bio pellet machines, search on websites that sell them. The specifications will be presented on each machine so that you can make the right decision.

The following link will help you to know more information of our bio granulating machine.

Tips For Producing Bio Fertilizer In A Fertilizer Plant

Do you run a fertilizer plant? Are you experiencing increasing demand for bio fertilizer products? Do you want to produce bio fertilizer in your own fertilizer plant? The fact is that there is a huge increase in the demand for bio fertilizers as these are completely natural. Consumers these days are increasingly growing health conscious and pay special attention to the origin of their food and this has led to a huge increase in the demand for organic produce. This increasing demand for organic produce has led to an increase in demand for organic fertilizers and similar products. In short, it’s a great opportunity for fertilizer plant owners like you to grow your business by investing in a bio fertilizer production system.

Bio Fertilizer Production Line with Granulator

Bio Fertilizer Production Line with Granulator

While organic fertilizer is traditionally produced by letting bio waste decompose on its own but such techniques are good for producing only a small amount of bio fertilizer. If you want to produce bio fertilizer commercially, you need to invest in certain systems in order to produce excellent quality bio fertilizer in huge quantities. After all, you want all the batches leaving your production facility to be of similar quality if you want to keep all your clients happy. One of the ways to achieve this is to invest in compost machines and granulation machine that are designed for bio fertilizer production. You will need a complete system and of course, you are going to need a lot of land as a lot of land is needed to produce bio fertilizer in commercial quantity.


Commercial Compost Machine for sale

Commercial Compost Machine for sale

Drum Granulator For Bio Fertilizer Pelleting

Drum Granulator For Bio Fertilizer Pelleting

While natural decomposition is the cheapest way to produce bio fertilizer but when you are producing it in commercial quantities for sale, you can’t just rely on natural decomposition. You need to add some beneficial bacteria on your own in order to speed up the process of production of fertilizer. When this natural bacteria is added to the biomass, proper mixing needs to be done in order to produce consistent quality and for that, you will need mixing machines that are designed exactly for this purpose.

It can’t be done manually if you want to achieve consistent results. Another kind of machine you’re going to need is the fertilizer screening machine. An important thing you need to keep in mind is that a certain temperature range is required for keeping the beneficial bacteria alive as when the temperature reaches higher or lower than this range, the bacteria will die and you will have a big loss on your hand. Therefore, pay special attention to the temperature. Another important thing is the water content.

Customized Fertilizer Screening Machine in ShunXin

Customized Fertilizer Screening Machine in ShunXin

The best quality bio fertilizer has a water content up to 60% as water content less than 30% inhibits the growth of microbes in the fertilizer whereas when the water content is above 60%, it also inhibits the growth of microorganisms due to various issues. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to the water content and you can do this with the help of a separate machine.

In short, there is a huge demand for bio fertilizer due to increase in demand for organic produce all across the world. If you run a fertilizer plant or you’re planning to set up your own business, it presents a great opportunity for you. So, pay attention to the above mentioned tips and start researching manufacturers of machines (here is an experienced fertilizer machines manufacturer SX) required for production of bio fertilizer to set up a strong foundation for your new business venture.